Good morning,
Please read the following post and then answer.
How is this a drop in replacement for MySQL 5.7 community version if I can’t get a test db instance up and running?
We run multiple MySQL db instances (standard directory structure is included below) on many of our hosts using the Community Edition for 5.7. I keep hearing how great Percona Server is and want to set up some benchmark tests. I also use tar installs it /opt (specifically /opt/db) with symmlinks to the long dir names for each version so that we have a short name in the scripts (real examples is included below).
All this gives me great flexibility on what db instances I can run using different versions. One of the big keys that makes this work is a separate mysql db instance startup script in /db/mysql/port/scripts that forces all the variables (config file, log dir, data dir, etc) to the files in that instance.
I can’t seem to get the percona server to actually start up one of my test instances. All i get is the following Segmentation fault message. I have tried several version and that didn’t help. Have copied over the mysql.server file and managed to some of the directory and files name correct, expect for the my.cnf file and error.log.
i can’t use /etc/my.cnf and don’t want to get into multi master my.cnf files.
I can’t move the data dir to /var at all for multiple reasons.
After spending a solid 6 hours of work time I would like some feedback on how to setup the Percona server to use existing db instances without rebuilding everything that we do.
/opt/db/percona-5.7.20/bin/mysqld_safe: line 217: 5857 Segmentation fault LD_PRELOAD=/opt/db/Percona-Server-5.7.20-19-Linux.x86_64.ssl101/lib/mysql/ nohup /opt/db/percona-5.7.20/bin/mysqld --basedir=/opt/db/percona-5.7.20 --datadir=/db1/mysql/3506/data --plugin-dir=/opt/db/percona-5.7.20/lib/mysql/plugin --log-error=tdbadbvs2001.err --pid-file=/db1/mysql/3506/configs/ < /dev/null >> /db1/mysql/3506/data/tdbadbvs2001.err 2>&1
The base directory path ends in the port number for that db instance. ==> /db1/mysql/3306
And has the following directories under it
blogs # binary logs
configs # config, pid and socket files
data # data goes here
logs # errorlog, slow query log, general query log, etc
rlogs # relay log files
scripts # start up script for this db instance
tlogs # transaction log files
tmp . # a tmp dir
tmpdir1 # 1st new tmp dir location
tmpdir2 # 2nd new tmp dir location
tmpdir_repl # tmp dir for replication
SW dir structure
ls -l /opt/db
mysql → mysql-5.6.21-linux-glibc2.5-x86_64
mysql-5.5 → mysql-5.5.28-linux2.6-x86_64
mysql-5.6 → mysql-5.6.21-linux-glibc2.5-x86_64
mysql-5.7 → mysql-5.7.20-linux-glibc2.12-x86_64
Joe Gibbs