Percona Operators users are invited to try Percona Everest

Hi, my name is Daniil. I am a community manager and want to bring Percona Everest to your attention.

You are already using Percona operators and databases in Kubernetes. We suggest you try a new way of installing and using them. You will be able to manage operators through an interface in your browser.

Percona Everest installs and uses Percona Operators to provision and manage databases.

We care a lot about your opinion; it allows us to improve operators and databases in Kubernetes and Percona Everest.

Please try to install, create, and change the configuration of a cluster and set up scheduled backups daily, monthly, or in other configurations you use in your work.

Share your feedback in this thread. I will also help you if you have any questions.

Any test Kubernetes cluster will be necessary for the installation

Who has already planned the tests? Is there anything I can do to help?

I just wanted to make a long topic, chatting about Percona Everest.

To bring together in one the complexities and limitations you face.

When I ask you to try it, what stops you? Time, no cluster, no need for a tool?

I asked Vinnie to try it and share his opinion a few days ago.

He set up and tried to create a cluster and wrote an article on his blog.

So far it’s quiet and no one is sharing their experiences.

I’ll share a find, this is a post by Julian Garcia.

Percona Everest can be tested on Minikube or k3d if you don’t have a spare cluster.

You probably don’t need to be told how to do this, but Edith has prepared an article

I still hope to involve you in experimenting with Percona Everest.

In the meantime, I’ll share a story about one of the users.
Cloud platform Lyrid shared on their blog that they use Percona Everest experts have prepared an article on Performance Benchmarking, in the tools uses Percona Everest to provide MySQL cluster.