Hello, this is my configuration in cr.yaml file
Container image:
The backup finish successfully when im running manually or by schedule:
To restore I’m using the script restore-backup.sh and im getting to error here xbstream: [ERROR] unknown option ‘–decompress’
If I remove --decompress, yeah its finish this part but when it errors on this line:
xtrabackup --prepare --target-dir=/datadir.
If I remove this line, ok the restore finish successfully but then when I’m selecting the data it says that it’s corrupted.
What I’m doing wrong?
Hello @GedasTSB ,
looks like you hit the bug with the compressed backups. There is an issue with PXB version in PXC 1.6.0.
The workaround is to replace PXB docker image with older version. The bug is going to be fixed in the next operator release.
Please read more here.
Hello @spronin, thank you for answer, yes after I use older version it works.
Do we have somewhere scripts or documentation how to run only databases backups in K8S, I mean Full + Incremental. As I see now it backups all cluster. Do we have an option backup per databases. I have different types of databases in one cluster, I want them backup differently one is more important then another?
Hello @GedasTSB,
incremental backups are currently not supported by the operator. It is in the roadmap (see this JIRA issue: https://jira.percona.com/browse/K8SPXC-415), but as long as Percona xtraDB backup does support that it is possible to make it work.
Unfortunately it is the same for partial backups - supported by PXB, but not by the operator.