Operator XtraDB Backup fails

Hi There,

I’ve deployed a new PXC Cluster to k8s using the operator. Now, I’m trying to create a backup of my cluster, however the backup pod fails with the below error and then exist.

+ xbcloud delete --curl-retriable-errors=7 --storage=s3 --s3-bucket=test-2023-11-28-09:34:54-full.sst_info
231128 09:35:00 xbcloud: Successfully connected.
231128 09:35:00 xbcloud: error: backup named test-2023-11-28-09:34:54-full.sst_info doesn't exists!

The above is confusing, since I’m trying to create the backup, so it makes sense that it does not exist.

This is my manifest file:

apiVersion: pxc.percona.com/v1
kind: PerconaXtraDBClusterBackup
  name: test-backup
  pxcCluster: cluster-1
  storageName: backup

I have also configured PITR backup, however they work fine with no errors. This is not a S3 bucket permission error since I use the same bucket and creds for PITR and this works fine.

In my values.yaml file I this configured for backups:

  enabled: true
    repository: percona/percona-xtradb-cluster-operator
    tag: 1.13.0-pxc8.0-backup-pxb8.0.32
  imagePullSecrets: []
    enabled: true
    storageName: backup
    timeBetweenUploads: 60
      requests: {}
      limits: {}
      type: s3
      verifyTLS: true
        bucket: test
        region: eu-west-1
        credentialsSecret: s3-creds

Any ideas on what I’m doing wrong?

I’ve managed to resolve the issue. The problem whas that I needed to specify the “endpointUrl” in the backup configuration.

According to the documentation it is not needed when using “original Amazon S3”.

However, after troubleshooting for a while and using mc, I was able to get more detail on the error:

 "status": "error",
 "error": {
  "message": "Unable to list folder.",
  "cause": {
   "message": "The bucket you are attempting to access must be addressed using the specified endpoint. Please send all future requests to this endpoint.",
   "error": {
    "Code": "PermanentRedirect",
    "Message": "The bucket you are attempting to access must be addressed using the specified endpoint. Please send all future requests to this endpoint.",

After seeing the above, it was a quick fix getting the region S3 endpoint from Amazon Simple Storage Service endpoints and quotas - AWS General Reference