We’ve been trying to get to the latest release of percona cluster 5.7 - until we are able to spend time upgrading from 5.7 => 8.0.
We built the new image and deployed and we ran into an interesting issue where it causes the global variables table and the session_variables tables to fail:
[ERROR] Incorrect definition of table performance_schema.global_variables: expected column 'VARIABLE_VALUE' at position 1 to have type varchar(4096), found type varchar(2
[ERROR] Incorrect definition of table performance_schema.session_variables: expected column 'VARIABLE_VALUE' at position 1 to have type varchar(4096), found type varchar(
This causes the cluster to fall out of sync as well. More importantly is the only solution going forward to run mysql_upgrade to fix this? Is there any other solution for this? Some information around this would be great, thank you.