We use multi master with percona cluster
Nodes: Node1-Node2-Node3
version: MYSQL 5.7.40-43
Then Node4 join cluster:
Node4 MySQL Version : 5.7.44-48
Then Node4 Join with user login error:
native table ‘performance_schema’.‘session_variables’ has the wrong structure
How to resolve this problem without another node upgrade?
Thank you
You need to run mysql_upgrade from percona-xtradb-cluster because PXC requires a larger session_variables column.
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We have decided to downgrade the Percona MySQL version, so we want to set up a new machine. We have downloaded the packages from external sources, but there are missing dependencies. How can we properly install it? or git project → downgrade for instance
You should use our repo manager for maximum compatibility and auto-resolve of any dependencies. Install percona-release - Percona Software Repositories
"Yes, running mysql_upgrade
solved our problem. Thank you!