Looks like mysql can’t find auth_pam.so file in shared library. Can you make sure that after installed percona-pam-plugin, the library/plugin directory has got the appropiate permissions? Because as per documentation, file execution permission is also required.
mysql> show variables like ‘%plugin%’;
| Variable_name | Value |
| plugin_dir | /opt/aurora/mysql/lib/plugin/ |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)
/opt/aurora/mysql/lib/plugin # ls -l auth_pam.*
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 33212 Aug 23 20:40 auth_pam.a
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 810 Aug 23 20:40 auth_pam.la
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 28067 Aug 23 20:40 auth_pam.so
If I look up the symbol table in auth_pam.so, I don’t see the “auth_pam” symbol:
/opt/aurora/mysql/lib/plugin # nm auth_pam.so | grep auth
0000000000001580 t authenticate_user_with_pam_client
0000000000001690 T authenticate_user_with_pam_client_common
0000000000001140 t authenticate_user_with_pam_server
00000000002022a0 d pam_auth_handler
U pam_authenticate@@LIBPAM_1.0
00000000002022c0 d test_pam_auth_handler