New to MySQL


I am new to MySQL…
We are making a social networking website and wanted to add email facility to it…what are the features of MySQl that would be useful for me…
Please suggest some performance tweaks as well…
we are using the InnoDb storage engine by default…is it fine or should we change that also…

I have heard about something called archival in MySQL…please enlighten me on this topic as welll…will it be useful for me…

Thanks in advance

Do you mean archive storage engine? html

Thanks for correcting me…
Will the Archive Storage Engine be useful for my project…
Please tell me how to install the Archive Storage engine…
i tries configuring my table to archive storage engine but it gave an error in MySQL Query Browser that “the storage engine is not enabled currently”…
Please tell me how to enable it and also enlighten me on the advantages of using this storage engine for implementing the Email facility in my project…

Please do ‘SHOW ENGINES’ and post result here.