Mongosh missing?

hello all,

following a course I installed the following rpms.

I am now trying to troubleshoot my installation.
I was also following the guide here: 2. Connect to Percona Server for MongoDB - Percona Server for MongoDB 6.0

At the very first step, when I give mongosh command, I get
-bash: mongosh: command not found
so probably i need to install some more rpms?

Hi @CuriousGuy ,

  1. What operating system do you use?
  2. Are you sure that the installation of mongo shell was successful?
  3. You can try to locate mongosh using whereis mongosh and then try to run it with full path. If it works, add this to your PATH variable (details: How To View and Update the Linux PATH Environment Variable | DigitalOcean)

Thanks for the answer.

  1. Operative system is Almalinux9
  2. everything seemed to work fine, I can use mongo command but not mongosh.
  3. if i do:
which mongosh
/usr/bin/which: no mongosh in (/root/.local/bin:/root/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin)

Maybe try to install it again. Typically mongosh should be added automatically to your PATH.

As AlmaLinux is not officially supported, have you added additional repo? You can find a sample instruction here:

Hey @CuriousGuy
You need to install percona-mongodb-mongosh-2.3.2.el9.x86_64.rpm to get mongosh.
It is available in our repo and on downloads page on website