i am currently trying to find a way to migrate an existing MariaDB 10.11.5 Installation to the latest Percona MySQL 5.7 (it has to be 5.7 because of reasons). I want to obviously keep the Databases but also all grants.
My first approach was to just uninstall MariaDB, install Percona MySQL 5.7, alter the Config, start the Server do a mysql_upgrade and hopefully be done. That did not work (Percona crashes).
After some investigation i think the reason is the “mysql” Database which has Tables with the “Aria” Storage Engine since this is the default Engine for system tables in MariaDB.
To confirm that, i installed a fresh Percona Instance, set my Config and just move my DB Files to new installation. That worked. My DBs were there, but now obvioulsy all my grants are missing.
So my question is, is there are way to migrate from MariaDB 10.11.5 to Percona MySQL 5.7 while also keeping the grants?
Thank you and best regards