Large PITR chunk

Hello everyone! I’m trying to understand why I have several full database backups, but only 1 large PITR chunk, documentation from percona website contains a example listing

pbm list

  2021-08-04T13: 00: 58Z [complete: 2021-08-04T13: 01: 23]
  2021-08-05T13: 00: 47Z [complete: 2021-08-05T13: 01: 11]
  2021-08-06T08: 02: 44Z [complete: 2021-08-06T08: 03: 09]
  2021-08-06T08: 03: 43Z [complete: 2021-08-06T08: 04: 08]
  2021-08-06T08: 18: 17Z [complete: 2021-08-06T08: 18: 41]

PITR <off>:
  2021-08-04T13: 01: 24 - 2021-08-05T13: 00: 11
  2021-08-06T08: 03: 10 - 2021-08-06T08: 18: 29
  2021-08-06T08: 18: 42 - 2021-08-06T08: 33: 09

where full backup named 2021-08-04T13: 00: 58Z are use as a base backup for chunk 2021-08-04T13: 01: 24 - 2021-08-05T13: 00: 11 and backup 2021-08-06T08: 02: 44Z are use as a base backup for chunk 2021-08-06T08: 03: 10 - 2021-08-06T08: 18: 29 etc…

but in my case i have 3 full backups ( which executed once a week )

pbm status
  - prod-bishkek/ pbm-agent v1.6.0 OK
  - prod-bishkek/ pbm-agent v1.6.0 OK
  - prod-bishkek/ pbm-agent v1.6.0 OK

PITR incremental backup:
Status [ON]

Currently running:

FS  /opt/mongodb-backup
    2021-11-06T18:00:01Z 101.63GB [complete: 2021-11-06T18:09:39]
    2021-11-02T09:15:20Z 66.98GB [complete: 2021-11-02T09:21:34]
    2021-10-25T09:56:48Z 7.67GB [complete: 2021-10-25T09:57:44]
  PITR chunks [114.59GB]:
    2021-10-25T09:57:45 - 2021-11-09T08:39:55

and why i get 1 large PITR chunk?
i’ve set pitr.oplogSpanMin=30


any suggestions guys?

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I was wondering the same thing. It’s not a big chunk, if you look at the backup file then you will see multiple chunks and you can delete individual chunk. It’s just shown like that when you list it.

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Yeah, but i want to have list like in docs :wink:

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I have the same problem. Have you find a solution ?

pbm list

Backup snapshots:
2022-07-05T10:10:11Z [complete: 2022-07-05T10:17:45Z]
2022-07-31T19:00:30Z [complete: 2022-07-31T19:15:27Z]
2022-08-07T19:00:27Z [complete: 2022-08-07T19:14:25Z]
2022-08-14T19:00:33Z [complete: 2022-08-14T19:16:01Z]
2022-08-21T19:00:39Z [complete: 2022-08-21T19:13:57Z]
2022-08-28T19:00:18Z [complete: 2022-08-28T19:15:28Z]

2022-07-05T10:17:46Z - 2022-08-30T09:05:29Z

Then i can’t delete old backup.
I get the error message :

pbm delete-backup 2022-07-05T10:10:11Z

Are you sure you want delete backup(s)? [y/N] y
Waiting for delete to be done …Error: deleting: unable to delete: backup is a base for ‘2022-07-05T10:17:45 - 2022-08-30T09:15:32’

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Hi @Julien_Rasneur

it’s a known issue. you can track the status of the fix here [PBM-850] Add ability to delete older backups - Percona JIRA

for now, you can try to delete the PITR range first and then the backup.

$> pbm delete-pitr --older-then="2022-07-31T19:15:27"
$> pbm delete-backup "2022-07-05T10:10:11Z"
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about the initial question raised here:

pbm status and pbm list commands show PITR time ranges that are continuous (without any gaps/missed oplog records). if there is more than one range, then there are gaps between them.

and why i get 1 large PITR chunk?
i’ve set pitr.oplogSpanMin=30

the PITR time range is not a single file but many (one by one) smaller chunks/ranges. so there should be many chunks roughly 30mins each

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