The progress of logical full backup in Percona mongodb can be monitored through the pbm command or kubectl command.
ex) pbm status
2024-05-06T23:00:21Z 9.70MB [restore_to_time: 2024-05-06T23:00:31Z]
2024-04-20T23:00:21Z 11.34KB [ERROR: some of pbm-agents were lost during the backup] [2024-04-21T23:00:24Z]
2024-03-16T13:08:22Z 11.34KB [ERROR: some of pbm-agents were lost during the backup] [2024-03-19T01:40:24Z]
But for pitr backups the status is unknown.
ex) PITR chunks [1.34GB]:
2024-05-06T23:00:32Z - 2024-05-20T08:00:51Z
I tried installing pmm, but it says that the pmm-backup feature can only be used on a single node.
I would like to know the pitr backup status of percona mongodb operator.
Percona Mongodb operator :
crVersion: 1.15.0
image: percona/percona-server-mongodb:6.0.9-7
pmm image: percona/pmm-client:2.41.2
backup image: percona/percona-backup-mongodb:2.4.0
replsets size: 3
sharding size: 3
mongos size: 1
PMM Server:
image version : “2.41.2”
Additional Information:
k8s version : 1.25.4
Node count : master 1, worker 3