Please tell me how to know the backup status of Percona Mongodb Operator


The progress of logical full backup in Percona mongodb can be monitored through the pbm command or kubectl command.

ex) pbm status
2024-05-06T23:00:21Z 9.70MB [restore_to_time: 2024-05-06T23:00:31Z]
2024-04-20T23:00:21Z 11.34KB [ERROR: some of pbm-agents were lost during the backup] [2024-04-21T23:00:24Z]
2024-03-16T13:08:22Z 11.34KB [ERROR: some of pbm-agents were lost during the backup] [2024-03-19T01:40:24Z]

But for pitr backups the status is unknown.

ex) PITR chunks [1.34GB]:
2024-05-06T23:00:32Z - 2024-05-20T08:00:51Z

I tried installing pmm, but it says that the pmm-backup feature can only be used on a single node.

I would like to know the pitr backup status of percona mongodb operator.


Percona Mongodb operator :
crVersion: 1.15.0
image: percona/percona-server-mongodb:6.0.9-7
pmm image: percona/pmm-client:2.41.2
backup image: percona/percona-backup-mongodb:2.4.0
replsets size: 3
sharding size: 3
mongos size: 1

PMM Server:
image version : “2.41.2”

Additional Information:

k8s version : 1.25.4
Node count : master 1, worker 3

Hello @dkdkenen2006 ,

so in short, what you are looking for is a way to quickly understand (and monitor) that oplogs are uploading to S3 and there are no issues with that.
Is that correct?

Yes that’s right

pitr backups are set at 10-minute intervals, and I would like to know if there are any problems with the backup results.

Hello, you can check the status by 2 ways:

  1. login to backup container and run pbm status command.
  2. You can run below command as well to check backup status:

kubectl exec --namespace cluster_namespace -it pod_name -c backup-agent bash -c “pbm status”

Please replace cluster_namespace with the namespace and pod_name with your cluster pod name

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