All three options to install PMM is out of question for us. I am wondering if there is a yum repo available for PMM or at least install files as .tar.gz will help as well.
No there is no tar.gz or RPM packages available. Why installation methods available do not work for you ?
Neither option allows installation on a physical machine, only in a VM or container.
Docker is simply not an option for a production deployment. No room for discussion.
We happen to use VMware ESX for our production environment, so the OVA should be a viable option, except that VMware’s support for OVA is a total joke so it’s impossible to import into vCenter. It works fine in VirtualBox, but like Docker, that’s only good for demo / trial use.
In the end I had to export disk images from VirtualBox, upload those to vCenter, and make a new VM using the converted disk images. That got us a working PMM VM albeit with an unreasonably large data disk, but PMM is not ready to go out of the box. The OVA has some crap called cloud-init installed which stomps over the configs every boot so any attempt to set a static address (as required for any production deployment, again the default DHCP is only suitable for a demo) fails until doing a yum erase cloud-init. After a couple weeks of screwing around we have something that kinda works, but it would have been MUCH easier if we could have just added a percona/pmm repo and done a yum install pmm-server or whatever in the VM or on the server of our choice. We have nice OS templates we normally use so things like LDAP login work (another manual step to configure after purging cloud-init).
Indeed very annoying, we try to install the OVA on openstack (KVM) but haven’t succeeded so far. I think it should support it or not?
Any guide on how to do this?
Would be so much easier with a repo to install it, don’t understand why it’s not available
I am sorry to hear your experience with PMM installation has been so challenging. Percona made a decision early on to focus on ease of deployment as a central goal, which is why we offer these bundled options of docker, OVF, and AMI, and specifically not provided RPM/deb packages.
I would be interested to understand under what conditions the OVF fails to import into VMware, as we would be happy to address specific bugs or limitations to the best of our abilities. Please let me know if you would be able to file bug(s) as needed in https://jira.percona.com . If you are also a Percona customer, we will also log these requests in our Zendesk issue tracking system. Thanks,
Hi hostedpower
We don’t have a guide specific to OpenStack, but we would be very interested if you could file bug(s) reports at [url]Log in - Percona JIRA so that we can address each deficiency individually. Are you also a Percona Customer, if so we’ll be happy to track these requests on your behalf in Zendesk. Thanks,
Containers are brittle. Deployment with packages is MUCH easier than deploying a container. We would not be using Percona MySQL Server if it were only distributed as a container.
There already was a ticket https://jira.percona.com/browse/PMM-1230 so this should not be news, but it was closed as WON’T FIX. It could well be that VMware is the party at fault; SHA1 is valid for the version of OVF (1.x) used for distributing PMM server, it is only with OVF 2.0 that SHA2 is mandated and even then only for creation. However, Percona must be well aware that the distributed OVF is incompatible with the current version of ESX server.
Of course, it’s not just the hash that causes trouble as stripping it either manually or with ovftool results in subsequent errors, but it may be that nobody else had yet to stumble upon those once their initial attempt was thwarted by the hash issue. Before I go make more tickets with details of the subsequent errors I do have to ask from which virtualization environment was the OVF exported and into which environment(s) has import been verified?
At least we managed to extract the 2 virtual disks and then imported them into glance. The pmm server is now running successfully in openstack on kvm. It was not such an easy task, but fortunately we got it running now
Getting it to run on KVM was not hard at all.
tar xvf pmm-server-1.13.0.ova
Convert images
qemu-img convert -O qcow2 PMM-Server-2018-07-27-1152-disk001.vmdk disk1.qcow2
qemu-img convert -O qcow2 PMM-Server-2018-07-27-1152-disk002.vmdk disk2.qcow2
Build VM
virt-install -n pmmtest -r 2048 --os-type=centos --os-variant=centos7.0 --disk /data/vm/pmmtest/disk1.qcow2,device=disk,bus=virtio -w bridge=virbr0,model=virtio --vnc --noautoconsole --import
Power it off
virsh destroy pmmtest
Attach second disk
virsh attach-disk pmmtest --source /data/vm/pmmtest/disk2.qcow2 --target vdb --persistent
Start it
virsh start pmmtest
Connect via VNC and log in to console. Default root password is “percona”.
yum remove cloud-init
Configure network as usual, in my case set correct interface afterwards
virsh shutdown pmmtest
virsh detach-interface pmmtest --type bridge --config
virsh attach-interface pmmtest --type bridge br35 --model virtio --config
virsh start pmmtest
Hi all,
Some (crappy and messy) notes about my installation (could give hints on other problems/solutions) on ESXi 6.0 at the bottom
At the end to deploy it ‘easily’ on ESXi:
- Decompress OVA (is a GZ)
- delete .MF so it doesn’t complain about SHA1 file
- deploy it DIRECTLY at the ESXi HOST, (not at vcenter) via ESXi embedded host client
- ESXi embedded host client v. 2015.12.21
- ESXi 6.0.0 (Build 2494585): HP Customized Image ESXi 5.5.0 version 5.71.3 based on ESXi 5.5.0 Vmkernel Release Build 1331820.
Hope it helps !
================== crappy and messy notes sorry =================================
[]Download ‘server virtual appliance OVF’ file 1.17.1 (~850MB) from percona website: [URL]https://www.percona.com/downloads/pmm/[/URL]
[]This image is only prepared for DESKTOP virtualization systems (not ESXi) so it requires many tweaks, has bugs and only monitors: it doesn’t gives optimization recomendations as Mysql Enterprise Monitor!!
[]Rename downloaded .OVA file to .GZ
[]Decompress .GZ file
[]Delete .MF file (or ‘SHA1 not available’ error will appear in vSphere)
[]Edit .OVF file and remove a ‘0’ at the end of capacity=“429496729600” or disk will be of 400 GB
[]Change RAM memory from 1024 to 2048 (1024 will be small for 30 days graphs)
[]Deploy in vSphere selecting OVF+VMDK files
[]Errors: VALUE_ILLEGAL: PIIX4 of ResourceSubType and values 3/5 of element Parent does not refer to type DiskControllerReference
[][URL][PMM-2835] Use SATA/SCSI/SAS controllers for OVA appliance of PMM Server - Percona JIRA
[]more changes needed, even this final file doesn’t work (remove .TXT):
[]VMDK files are THICK and lazy zeroed, but of 400 GB: use this to clone and make them THIN to be usable:
vmkfstools -i PMM-Server-2019-02-18-0927-disk001.vmdk -d thin PMM-Server-2019-02-18-0927-disk001-thin.vmdk
[]This will create a 40 GB file, shrink it later
[]NOTE: First time I installed PMM (no notes) I shrinked it to just 20 GB and with just 1 MySQL server (14GB data) HDD was full after just few days of metrics… start over again!
[]2nd HDD is 400 GB… solution ??
[]Migrate VM with disks to new datastore and select change to THIN =⇒ still ‘ls -lh’ shows 400+40 GB files, 'du -sh ’ shows real occupied space. vmkfstools -K will only shrink if you use ‘dd’ previously (not factible with 400GB data! )
[][URL]Percona Monitoring and Management
[]Configuring SSH key is very usefull: root by ssh is block and requires some steps to allow users by ssh (by sudo) See [URL]Percona Monitoring and Management
[]: after creating manually a VM and adding disks. boots and can not write to disks ???
[]root access only allowed by physical terminal (vsphere) top password used
[]ssh only by ‘admin’ user with top password.
[]db# pmm-client config –server –server-user –server-password only accepted inital web user created to connect (neither admin or root) ???
[]db# pmm-client add mysql –user root –password (top one) change to monitoring user
root@db:/var/log/mysql# pmm-admin list pmm-admin 1.17.1 PMM Server | (password-protected) Client Name | db Client Address | Service Manager | linux-systemd -------------- ----- ----------- -------- ------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SERVICE TYPE NAME LOCAL PORT RUNNING DATA SOURCE OPTIONS -------------- ----- ----------- -------- ------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- mysql:queries db - YES root:@unix(/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock) query_source=slowlog, query_examples=true, slow_log_rotation=true, retain_slow_logs=1 linux:metrics db 42000 YES - mysql:metrics db 42002 YES root:@unix(/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock) tablestats=OFF SSH access is only allowed by SSH key, but it is not accepted, enable password with: http://www.grupotelfor.com/blog/7-centos-7/15-ssh-no-conecta-error-permission-denied-publickey-gssapi-keyex-gssapi-with-mic not able to login by ssh: neither root or ernesto yum install mailx (mail reader/command not installed)
[*]vi /etc/crond.d/resize-xfs change frequency from every 5 min to once a day or hundreds of mails will be for root
[/LIST] =======================================================