I want to use an older version of db operator (mysql) on percona everest. How can I configure that part?
My current command to install everest to the cluster is:
everestctl install --namespaces dev,prod --operator.mongodb=false --operator.postgresql=true --operator.xtradb-cluster=true --skip-wizard --version 1.0.1
This only change the version of the everest UI not the db operators version.
Any advise?
Hi @duytq02
This is not possible, new installations will always have latest version of operators installed and this is mostly due to the fact that we constantly introduce new features in Everest that are based on latest operators capabilities. Each everest version supports limited number of operators versions but we always install latest. Depending on how “older” is your version you could install older Everest release if this was supported, the details on operator version support can be found in our release notes. Thank you for trying out Everest, I would like to learn more about your overall experience, if you are up for quick zoom call please let me know I’ll take care of the scheduling.
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