I.m trying to install the Percona server on Debian Jessie.I fetch the repository packages from Percona web:
wget https://repo.percona.com/apt/percona-release_0.1-4.$(lsb_release -sc)_all.deb
Then install the downloaded package with dpkg.
dpkg -i percona-release_0.1-4.$(lsb_release -sc)_all.deb
After that i updare local cache
apt-get update
But I recevied errors
root@myserver:/tmp# aptitude update
Ign http://repo.percona.com jessie InRelease
Ign http://repo.percona.com jessie Release.gpg
Ign http://repo.percona.com jessie Release
Ign http://ftp.pl.debian.org jessie InRelease
Hit http://ftp.pl.debian.org jessie-updates InRelease
Hit http://ftp.pl.debian.org jessie Release.gpg
Hit http://ftp.pl.debian.org jessie Release
Err http://repo.percona.com jessie/main Sources
403 Forbidden
Err http://repo.percona.com jessie/main amd64 Packages
403 Forbidden
Ign http://repo.percona.com jessie/main Translation-en_US
Ign http://repo.percona.com jessie/main Translation-en
Hit http://security.debian.org jessie/updates InRelease
Get: 1 http://ftp.pl.debian.org jessie-updates/main amd64 Packages/DiffIndex [7,900 B]
Get: 2 http://ftp.pl.debian.org jessie-updates/main Translation-en/DiffIndex [2,704 B]
Hit http://ftp.pl.debian.org jessie-updates/main Sources
Hit http://ftp.pl.debian.org jessie/main Sources
Hit http://ftp.pl.debian.org jessie/main amd64 Packages
Hit http://ftp.pl.debian.org jessie/main Translation-en
Get: 3 http://security.debian.org jessie/updates/main Sources [195 kB]
Get: 4 http://security.debian.org jessie/updates/main amd64 Packages [404 kB]
Get: 5 http://security.debian.org jessie/updates/main Translation-en [212 kB]
Fetched 822 kB in 1s (467 kB/s)
W: Failed to fetch [url]http://repo.percona.com/apt/dists/jessie/main/source/Sources:[/url] 403 Forbidden
W: Failed to fetch [url]http://repo.percona.com/apt/dists/jessie/main/binary-amd64/Packages:[/url] 403 Forbidden
E: Some index files failed to download. They have been ignored, or old ones used instead.
E: Couldn’t rebuild package cache
Could you tell me why I received “403 Forbidden” error?
Best Regards