From [URL][/URL],Mydumper could be piped, but how to pipe mydumper with ssh?
For SSH you can do from source host:
shell> cd /path/to/backupdir
shell> mydumper -u user -p password -c -o ./ | tar -zcf -./ | ssh user@destination ‘cat - > /path/to/desthost/backupdir/backup.tar.gz’
You can also use netcat with:
Destination host:
shell> cd /path/to/backupdir
shell> nc -l 9999 | tar zxf - > ./backup.tar.gz
Source host:
shell> cd /path/to/backupdir
shell> mydumper -u user -p password -c -o ./ | tar -zcf - ./ | nc destination_host 9999
Thank you very much!
Only for people who come to this answer as I when checking if mydumper can be piped.
The above command line has nothing to do with mydumper piping!
It’s more a 2step version written in one line … and looks correct this way:
shell> /path/to/backupdir
shell> mydumper -u user -p password -c -o ./
shell> tar -zcf -./ | ssh user@destination ‘cat - > /path/to/desthost/backupdir/backup.tar.gz’