I am changing my backups to streaming and tar’ing them up.
xtrabackup --backup --stream=tar --target-dir=$dest > “$dest2/backup.tar”
How do I log the messages to a file. I’ve tried adding > log.txt
but that did not work.
Hi @pythondev1
Try this,
xtrabackup --backup --stream=tar --target-dir=$dest > “$dest2/backup.tar” >> log.txt 2>&1
Hope this helps.
Thanks I tried something similar and it worked.
Happy to know @pythondev1 you found the solution. May be you can share in your comment. It will be helpful for other
users. :)
Sure here is my script.
xtrabackup --defaults-file=/etc/alternatives/my.cnf --defaults-group=mysqld2 --socket=/var/run/mysqld/db2.sock --user=root --password=$pwd_value --backup --stream=tar --target-dir=$dest 2> $log | gzip - | ssh mysqluser@backupserver "cat - > /data/mysql/$dest_folder/ $backup_file" > /dev/null 2>&1