as server number grows, it’s inconvenient to see monitor data of a group of server, i need to type hostname one by one,
normally, those servers are in the same cluster.
is it possible to add a feature to add icon before ,
and when i change the , the hostname in should be changed accordingly?
of course, we need to add a group management page too.
Hi romber
Sounds like you have familiarity with Grafana! We’re working on a solution to this problem which we’ll introduce via tags in our upcoming 2.x releases expected in Q1 2019. If you have any visualizations you’d like to share how it has worked in your environment, I’d love to see them! Thanks for your feedback!
sorry, I’m just a user, not a developer, the idea comes from zabbix group management, so i think it will be good if PMM has group concept too.
Ok, thanks romber for your idea!