False alarm on PMM

Hi team,
l have 2 questions related alert section on PMM.

  1. l added one of my mysql db and also its replication. Both of them are working correctly. But prod db is displaying some alerts on PMM as shown in the image below. Why am I receiving this type of alert on the production database when it states “replication io running alert”? Could this be a false alarm? So, how can I get rid of it? Because my channel is always receiving this alarm.

I’m also providing this image, which seems to be correct:

  1. l also added another mysql db. OS parameters are fine, l can see all of them on PMM. But l cannot see db related parameters. You can view the image below:

I’m also providing this image, which seems to be correct:

l have already tried remove and then add them again, but didnt work.

About 1) Please check your DB node to ensure there is no leftover of “show slave status\G” from the previous replication configuration.

About 2) Please check if your DB node has the performance_schema enabled because, for the 2nd image, mysql_perfschema_agent is in a waiting state.

Hi, regarding 2:
Please check pmm-agent logs, credentials to DB might be incorrect. Did you skip connection check?

@Abhinav_Gupta , @nurlan

Thanks guys, l have fixed the first problem. For the second issue performance_schema parameter returns empty set and this is my production db so l cannot restart it. l don`t have performance_schema database either. (Actually for now it is okay not to view query related parameters, other db parameters are enough) Is there any way to solve the issue? The pmm-agent log looks like this:

Dec 03 16:55:02 xxxxxxxxx pmm-agent[1063]: time=“2024-12-03T16:55:02.283+04:00” level=error msg=“failed to query events_statements_history: Error 1146 (42S02): Table ‘performance_schema.events_statements_history’ doesn’t exist” agentID=/agent_id/f29ab2a2-0dfa-41ec-9e6b-12e635a3fa3c component=agent-builtin type=qan_mysql_perfschema_agent

What version of MySQL is this? Even if the performance_schema is disabled, you should still have around 40 variables related to it.

@matthewb the version is 5.1.73

I’m also confused as to why there aren’t any other variables related to it.

MySQL 5.1 died over 16 years ago! Since then, MySQL 5.5 has come and died, 5.6 has come and died, 5.7 has come and died, and MySQL 8 was released over 6 years ago!

Please upgrade to a modern version of MySQL.

MySQL 5.1 is not supported.

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