External VictoriaDB in PMM setup

Hi Team,
Is it possible to have an external Victoria DB cluster in the PMM setup ?
pmm-server should be able to connect to an external VictoriaDB cluster.

PMM Server does not support connection to external components, not matter if this VictoriaMetrics, ClickHouse or PostgreSQL.

Hi @vadimtk
Thanks for the quick response. Can you please help us understand if there is a workaround to connect to external components. Having a separate VictoriaMetricsDB or ClickHouse helps to scale them separately based on the load. Is it possible to build the PMM server from source by pointing to external VictoriaDB and ClickHouse

Also, as per PMM 2.33.0 - Percona Monitoring and Management the support for having external components will be solved in Stage2. Can you please help with an ETA for this?

@Animesh_Agarwal there is no supported or known workaround to connect to external components.
It should be possible to make modification to the source code to connect to external components, but I will not be able to point to the specific part of the code.
In fact this is what PMM team will work on to provide Stage2 of HA.
I can’t provide any more detailed ETA beside what already mentioned in the document: will be rolled out in 2023