Extending the Victoriametics file, What's the right way?

I’m testing to see if I can add a custom node with node-exporter metrics on the same docker-container as PMM_server, I tried searching online but couldn’t find a specific or direct answer so here i am.
if the prometheus.base.yml is not available should I create it? or is there a specific file that should be configured to add other targets to my PMM dashboard I tried looking for /etc/victoriametrics.yml but it says not to edit anything in it.

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You can add external exporters like this:

pmm-admin add external --group=processes  --listen-port=XXXX

XXXX should be the port that your new exporter is serving metrics on. You can read more here: External Services - Percona Monitoring and Management

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thanks, Matthew this is the one. at least this easier than handling a yml file.

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