Everest questions

Hi all,

I have a couple of questions regarding Everest:

  1. Annotating Services: Is there a way to configure additional labels and annotations for the services generated by Everest?
  2. Backup Retention Count: I noticed that I can select a retention count for MySQL backups, but not for PostgreSQL. Could you please clarify why this difference exists?

Thank you for your assistance!

Hello @silent ,

thanks for sharing.

  1. This is a good idea. It might be quite a heavy lift though. Everest relies on various tools underneath - OLM, Operators, etc. It means that to have all the resources properly labels or annotated, we need to instruct these tools to label all the resources properly. We will look into it.
  1. Backup retention for PG is coming: Issue navigator - Percona JIRA

Hi Sergey,

Thank you for that. I checked out the ticket and the description may be a bit confusing. What I mean is that I would like to be able to add my own annotations and labels to services created so I can expose these services over Tailscale for example. It would just be great if we could add our own labels/annotations and maybe also affinity rules etc.

Ah. Got it.

I get what you want to do and it makes sense as well.

Do you need granular labeling for each cluster and each service it uses?


Yes especially for services. In the future adding things like taints/tolerations etc would also be immensely useful for people. Right now we have a dedicated cluster for everest but some people may opt to run this in a shared cluster.

But being able to add custom labels / annotations to generated services etc would be absolutely amazing.


Any updates on this? Every time we create a new database we have to manually add Tailscale annotations to the service which is cumbersome and not really safe. Our other cluster rely on the ability to talk to these DB services via their Tailnet service which can only safely be added via annotations.

Hi Silent,

Thank you very much for the feedback! My name is Peter and I’m the product manager for Percona Everest. I have discussed your request with Everest team and we have created a roadmap item to allow adding user annotations to the database deployment. I will keep you posted once we have this issue in our pipeline.
