I am trying to use percona xtrabackup for the first time.
MySQL DB Version:mysql-server-5.5.29-1
Percona Xtrabackup: percona-xtrabackup-2.0.5-499.rhel5
Engine: MyISAM
All DB Size: 50GB.
when i tried to take a backup of few DB’s i am getting the below errors.
Command used.
#/usr/bin/innobackupex-1.5.1 --stream=tar --user=root --password=xxxxx --defaults-file=/etc/my.cnf --databases=“db1 db2” ./ | gzip -c -9 > /mysqltempbackup/backup.date +%m%d%Y%H%M%S
xtrabackup: Error: xtrabackup_copy_logfile() failed.
[01] …done
xtrabackup: Error: log_copying_thread failed.
innobackupex-1.5.1: Error: ibbackup child process has died at /usr/bin/innobackupex-1.5.1 line 381.
Am i doing anything wrong or is there any issue mysql version which i am currently running on the server.