Dockerfile for Percona Server 8.4 missing in repo

I am unable to find Dockerfiles for Percona Server 8.4.

I can find images with the correct filter for 8.4 in percona/percona-server Docker Hub page. I see a tag that, I suppose, corresponds to version 8.4 percona/percona-server in Github repo.

But the overview in percona/percona-server Docker Hub page is outdated and does not mention 8.4 version, neither it’s mentioned anywhere in percona/percona-docker Github repo.

Where can I find the Dockerfile for 8.4.x versions?

I even found through official JIRA project that jenkins jobs are located here:, but I see no build jobs for 8.4. Did it get moved?

Hi @David_Vrtel,
Hope you are doing good!

I have discussed about your query with our engineering team and we are working on it. Reference ticket for the same - PKG-474 Jira. You can subscribe to the JIRA ticket to receive any updates on that.

Vinodh Guruji

Hi David,
Dockerfiles have been added to our repo

Hi gentlemen,

thank you very much for quick response and the related Dockerfiles.

I consider this solved now.
