Docker image that builds percona from source?

I am interested in a docker image that builds percona from source.

We have several developers using M1 macs for development, and x-arch support is amazing - but still slow. So we’d like to build our own image (since percona does not seem interested in doing this).

If you have a Dockerfile that does a source build, I’d sure appreciate a pointer. I spent a little time trying to do a build myself and ran into various library compatibility problems, so a leg up would be great.


Hi, maybe this repository will help you

We’d love for you to share your results with us.

I did look at these. It looked like they used a base and installed precompiled packages. I did not see one that built from source.

Did I miss one?

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@Evgeniy_Patlan , maybe you can help

Hi @Kurt_Werle
We do not have dockers to build percona-server from sources.
If you want to build percona-server from sources you can use this article:

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Thanks for the pointer - I’ll give that a shot!

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Howdy :wave:

I also needed Percona to run on an M1 Mac so I created a Docker builder as you requested: GitHub - danepowell/percona-builder

It’s really just a proof of concept at this point, but it works and I welcome PRs :slight_smile:

We are working on the solution which should help developers to make more contributions to Percona Server.
Here is script that will configure docker image and install all needed dependencies to build Percona Software misc/ at main · EvgeniyPatlan/misc · GitHub