DB Uptime and Virtual CPU not showing on PMM Dashboard

Dear All,

I’m new to using Percona Monitoring and Management,
I was succeeded on installing PMM from VM (.ova) for version 2.26 and upgraded to 2.28 from the dashboard today.
Last week, I added the PMM-agent in our MySQL 8 on CentOS 7 server, and adding the mysql services.
Although the agent and service added successfully and the data can be seen on the PMM dashboard, but for the Virtual CPU and DB Uptime are still shown as N/A.

Is there any clue or things that I need to check so we can also monitor these value?



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Hello, the Virtual CPU is based on the node_cpu_seconds_total metric, and the DB uptime on the mysql_global_status_uptime metric. Can you go to Metrics explorer section and verify these are present for the host?

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Hello Igroene,

Sorry for the late reply and thank you very much for responding to my question.

But, where can I access the Metrics exploler? Is that from the Server Admin - Setting section?
or is it from Data Source - Metrics?


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Hi, you can get to Metrics explorer by clicking on the icon from the left bar that looks like a compass then “Explore”

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Thank you for the tips,

When I explore metrics for node_cpu_seconds_total and mysql_global_status_uptime, then execute/run query, PMM gave me the result of the query for both metrics for the PMM server and also for the mysql server node that shown as N/A.
But why does the value does not shown on the dashboard?

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If the metrics are present then I suspect some kind of issue with the template variables. The full expression for the Virtual CPUs panel is:


does this populate correctly in metrics explorer when you replace $node_name with your server?

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I tried the query you suggested, and it resulted in error below,
(the node_name is labinfra, which is show when i executed the node_cpu_seconds_total metrics)

query : (count(node_cpu_seconds_total{node_name=~“$node_name”,mode=~“user”})
result :
422: error when executing query=“(count(node_cpu_seconds_total{node_name=~"labinfra",mode=~"user"})” on the time range (start=1653314400000, end=1655906400000, step=1800000): cannot execute query: parensExpr: unexpected token “”; want “,” or “)”; unparsed data:

even if i change the node_name with “pmm-server” which shown the DB uptime and virtual CPU on the dashboard, still resulted in the same error

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Sorry try removing the leading ( like this:


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ah ok,
now the result shows for all the node_name i have.

and also, sometime there was a warning/an error that says something about template, but i could not get the full error description, would they be written on the percona log?
Is it related to the problem i got?

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Hello? Any help?

So I can see all the indicator on the dashboard in a normal manner?

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