Cannot find metric names: error when searching for metricIDs in the current indexdb: the number of matching timeseries exceeds 30000;

We are receiving the below errors from the Victoriametrics log file, and the MySQL Table Details dashboard is not working.

/home/builder/rpm/BUILD/VictoriaMetrics-pmm-6401-v1.89.1/app/vmselect/main.go:519 error in “/prometheus/api/v1/series?end=1691506272&match%5B%5D=mysql_info_schema_table_version&start=1691463072”: cannot fetch time series for “filters=[{name="mysql_info_schema_table_version"}], timeRange=[2023-08-08T02:51:12Z…2023-08-08T14:51:12Z]”: cannot find metric names: error when searching for metricIDs in the current indexdb: the number of matching timeseries exceeds 30000; either narrow down the search or increase -search.max* command-line flag values at vmselect; see VictoriaMetrics · The High Performance Open Source Time Series Database & Monitoring Solution

We don’t see any servers in list, Can someone please help me?

Can someone please help me with the above issue?

Can someone please help me with the above issue?


Have you found a solution to this problem? I also ran into her.

My configs

        tag: v1.87.4-cluster
        search.maxSamplesPerQuery: "300000000000"
        search.maxSamplesPerSeries: "100000000000"
        search.maxSeries: "2000000000"
        search.maxQueryDuration: "600s"
        dedup.minScrapeInterval: "30s"
        search.maxQueueDuration: "20s"
        search.maxConcurrentRequests: "16"
        cacheDataPath: ""
        tag: v1.87.4-cluster
        dedup.minScrapeInterval: "30s"
        search.maxUniqueTimeseries: "30000000"
      replicaCount: 2
      storageDataPath: "/vm-data"

@apaicer You might check your database server’s table counts.

My Scenario I have used --disable-tablestats-limit=5000 same for all the servers, and recently I have added a few servers, and one of the servers has 6000+ tables, and I have used the same --disable-tablestats-limit=5000 value for that server also, After receiving these errors, the MySQL Table Details dashboard is not working.

EX: test123 server has 100 tables.

Then try the --disable-tablestats-limit=90 value and then add it to the PMM server. So, with this, we can reproduce the issue.

Temporary solution: Find the DB servers that have table counts greater than the --disable-tablestats-limit value, remove them from the PMM, and then increase the table stats value for the DB servers that have more than the current table count.

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