Cannot edit installed Helm App (PMM) - cannot change roleRef

PMM version: 2.35.0
Helm: pmm:1.2.0


helm upgrade --history-max=5 --install=true --namespace=percona --timeout=10m0s --values=/home/shell/helm/values-pmm-1.2.0.yaml --version=1.2.0 --wait=true pmm /home/shell/helm/pmm-1.2.0.tgz
checking 7 resources for changes
Patch ServiceAccount "pmm-service-account" in namespace percona
Looks like there are no changes for Secret "pmm-service-account-token"
Looks like there are no changes for ConfigMap "pmm"
Looks like there are no changes for ClusterRole "pmm"
Patch ClusterRoleBinding "pmm" in namespace
error updating the resource "pmm":
cannot patch "pmm" with kind ClusterRoleBinding: "pmm" is invalid: roleRef: Invalid value: rbac.RoleRef{APIGroup:"", Kind:"ClusterRole", Name:"cluster-admin"}: cannot change roleRef
Looks like there are no changes for Service "monitoring-service"
Patch StatefulSet "pmm" in namespace percona
Error: UPGRADE FAILED: cannot patch "pmm" with kind ClusterRoleBinding: "pmm" is invalid: roleRef: Invalid value: rbac.RoleRef{APIGroup:"", Kind:"ClusterRole", Name:"cluster-admin"}: cannot change roleRef

I just tried to update it with:


Any ideas on how this got borked? It was recently just installed yesterday. I haven’t done anything funky after installing.
Helm 3, RKE 2 Cluster - installs and works perfectly fine… but can’t update the config once installed.
I’m going to guess I will have issues when updating the Helm Chart for the next version as well…

Hi @voarsh,

I just bumped into this issue this week, so I’m sending this reply in case anyone else is still facing it.
There is a bug in how ENABLE_DBAAS is being handled, so the workaround for now is to not include it in the pmmEnv section of the yaml file we use for the help upgrade.

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