Can we create separate PMM2 dashboards From the existing dashboards and Share only that Dashboards to only few users

Do we have any option to create only specific dashboards from the existing dashboards for only specific users. User can see only that particular dashboards only and other graphs should be hide for his/her login?

Can someone help me on this?

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Can someone help me on this?

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Hi Naresh9999!

It works the same as in ordinary Grafana. I think you can use Grafana roles or teams:

Here is a good tutorial:

  1. Create new dashboards.
  2. Create a new role, for example, “specific-users”
  3. Change role for specific-users from “viewer” to “specific-users”
  4. Give access to new dashboards for “specific-users” role.

Users from specific-users will see only dashboards to which you add access for this role.


Hi @nikita.beletskii

Its worked for me.
Thank you so much for the quick help.

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