Hi, I have deployed Percona Server for MongoDB on Kubernetes and am using the following code for backups. However, I’m encountering an error during the backup process when i am giving bucket path. When I use a simple bucket name like mongodb-backup
, the backup works fine.
Is it possible to specify a bucket path instead of just the bucket name? If so, could you provide an example of how to configure it correctly?
bucket: devops/integration/mongodb/mongo-daily-backup
credentialsSecret: mongodb-mongo-db-secrets-c8b7f20e
endpointUrl: https://4b949bcf987231b504ca149.r2.cloudflarestorage.com
region: us-east-1
type: s3```
Hello @Aditya1523
I don’t know if this can help you but I had an identical problem to yours at the beginning. I gave:
in the format https://xxxx-mongo-backup-logical.s3.fr-par.xxx.xxxx
in the format directory/xxx/yyyy
Afterwards I understood that it was necessary to do :
different https://s3.fr-par.xxx.xxxx
in the format xxxxx-mongo-backup-logical
In the end here is the format that currently works :
type: s3
region: "fr-par"
bucket: "xxxx-mongo-backup-logical"
endpointUrl: "https://s3.fr-par.xxx.xxxx"
credentialsSecret: pbm-mongo-backup-s3
uploadPartSize: 268435456
Note that: bucket
for me is a name/ID of bucket, but not a name of directory in bucket
And after in my bucket i have backup by date is directory :
Hi, you can use the prefix option of the crd to specify the path inside the bucket.