I can’t get MongoDB backup to work with Percona Operator on Kubernetes.
I’d be grateful for any help.
I’m getting these logs after applying on-demand backup:
>>> kubectl logs -n mongodb-percona pod/my-cluster-name-rs0-0 -c backup-agent
mark RS as error upload data files: upload file /data/db/key.db/WiredTigerLog.0000000010: upload file: write data: upload to S3: SerializationError: failed to decode REST XML response status code: 200, request id: caused by: XML syntax error on line 1: attribute name without = in element.:
But the original problem remain - I’m still facing the serialization error. So I’ll be storing backups on Civo S3 (and maybe moving Kubernetes there as well) if this error can’t be resolved as it seems to only happen on DigitalOcean.
When I use the first settings I get 400 error.
In the second settings the bucket is required. After applying cr.yml I get: The PerconaServerMongoDB "my-cluster-name" is invalid: spec.backup.storages.s3-appname.s3.bucket: Required value