Black Screen Issue in Percona Monitoring and Management Need Help

Hi Everyone,

I recently installed Percona Monitoring and Management to monitor my MySQL databases, but when I try to access the web interface, all I see is a black screen with no content loading.

The PMM server is running fine, and I can connect to it via SSH, but the UI refuses to load. I have tried different browsers, cleared the cache, and even restarted the PMM service, but nothing seems to fix the issue.

My setup includes PMM 2.x running on Ubuntu 22.04 with Percona Server for MySQL as the database backend. I checked the browser console and noticed some JavaScript errors related to missing resources,

which makes me wonder if this is a configuration issue, a problem with Nginx, or something related to PMM’s frontend rendering.

Has anyone else encountered a similar issue, and what steps did you take to resolve it? Any insights would be greatly appreciated!"

Could you please share the exact version of your PMM Server? Also, it would be helpful if you could provide a screenshot after loading the PMM URL. What URL address are you using?

Further to what @Abhinav_Gupta mentioned, please try exec’ing into the container to check the grafana logs:
docker exec -it pmm-server tail -f /srv/logs/grafana.log
The routing configuration in PMM is first that nginx handles your request and routes based on URL, and if grafana is completely down you should get a 50x error nginx.