Backup and restore form InnoDB to NDB

I have a docker mysql container which is using InnoDB as the storage engine, I’m looking to migrate this to a mysql cluster which is using NDB. this database is quite large and using mysqldump is not working. has anyone any advice on how best to achieve this with limited down time

Hello @shaun-hirst,
Do you know anything about NDB? I’m almost 99% certain that NDB is not what you want, unless you are a credit card company, giant telco, or MMORPG gaming company that is needing to process millions of transactions per second (when programming directly against the NDB API, not via SQL).

NDB is completely different from InnoDB. Queries that run perfectly fine in InnoDB will most likely perform worse with NDB due to the way NDB fragments data across data nodes.

How many data nodes do you have? How many API nodes? How much CPU/RAM in each data node? How many management nodes? Have you looked up how to manage disk storage vs memory storage for tables? What’s the network latency between all the nodes? If all nodes are not on the same physical switch, you will have poor performance.

Please be specific. What you think is large might be small to someone else. I have customers that say “our large 100GB database”, and some customers that say “our dataset is small, only 1.2TB”.

Take a moment please, and explain here why you think NDB is what you need.