Hi, when I restore mongo from object storage (swift use s3), get the following error
Waiting to finish.Error: operation failed with: mongorestore: restore mongo dump (successes: 0 / fails: 0): I/O failure reading beginning of archive: invalid input: magic number mismatch
percona-backup-mongodb v2.1.0
enabled: false
oplogSpanMin: 10
compression: zstd
type: s3
provider: aws
region: us-east-1
endpointUrl: https://swift.elastx.cloud
bucket: test
prefix: test-20230515072203/mongo
access-key-id: '***'
secret-access-key: '***'
maxUploadParts: 10000
storageClass: STANDARD
insecureSkipTLSVerify: false
batchSize: 50
numInsertionWorkers: 2
compression: s2
Any idea?
Hi @Max_Chen ,
Since 2.0, PBM stores each collection in a separate file. Each file is a “concat” of BSON documents of the collection.
The BSON document has 4 bytes prefix (the magic number). It seems one of the documents is invalid.
Are you restoring from a backup made before PBM 2.0? Is it full logical restore? is that backup is full (non-selective)?
@Dmytro_Zghoba Thanks for your reply
I got the reason for the error. I restore the backup from 1.7.0 using pbm 2.1.0
It could be a bug. PBM should handle backups made by 1.7. I’ve created a ticket.
Could you please leave a comment in the ticket with the output of pbm describe-backup $THE_BACKUP_NAME
? It helps to identify the problem quickly.
Sorry, I have deleted the backup. Our mongo cluster has 3 nodes, The error is because some backup agents used 1.7.0 but some agents used 2.1.0, after I upgrade all the agents to 2.1.0 there is no error