What is inside pmm-server?

Hello, I would like to ask about the size of pmm-server docker image because it is around 2GB. What is inside and is it possible to reduce the size? Counter Strike 1.6 was like ~500MB.

Best regards,

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You can find our Dockerfile here. Feel free to inspect the contents. pmm/Dockerfile at main · percona/pmm · GitHub

$ docker exec pmm-server du -chd1 /
28K	/dev
9.5M	/etc
12K	/home
0	/media
0	/mnt
89M	/opt
du: cannot access '/proc/14533/task/14533/fd/3': No such file or directory
du: cannot access '/proc/14533/task/14533/fdinfo/3': No such file or directory
du: cannot access '/proc/14533/fd/4': No such file or directory
du: cannot access '/proc/14533/fdinfo/4': No such file or directory
0	/proc
556K	/root
8.0K	/run
538M	/srv
0	/sys
28K	/tmp
1.6G	/usr
237M	/var
4.0K	/boot
2.4G	/
2.4G	total

/srv should be its own docker volume, according to our best practices, so that data is not part of the base 2G size. As you can see, most of the size comes from /usr which contains all the binaries and libraries for PMM and the supporting software.

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