We are using PMM from the AWS Marketplace to monitor AWS RDS instances. Great product. Thanks a lot.
I installed the recommended way and added many RDS instances w/o any problem using an IAM User with the created keys.
And the day came to rotate the used Access key… Unfortunately I didn’t found an easy way (except to delete and add the instances again) to change the used IAM key.
Based on the documentation I can use IAM Role instead of an IAM User with Access Keys.
I created the role and attached to the policy and the EC2 instance too.
My problem is that I’m not able to discover/add the available RDS instances in the subscription because the “PMM Add Instance / AWS RDS MySQL or Aurora MySQL” option requires a SECRET_KEY_ID and SECRET_ACCESS_KEY.
How can I setup the PMM to use/force the associated IAM Role? Is there any documentation/guide in this topic?
Thanks in Advance.