Hi there, I have Everest 0.9.0-rc1 deployed on DOKS (currently running k8s v1.28.6). I have been able to deploy fresh MongoDB (version 4.4.24-23) clusters using Everest without a problem, and each of them is configured to perform full hourly backups (to Digital Ocean’s Spaces, if anyone is curious if it works). I have seeded each database with a few GB of data, and all seems well with those clusters.
However, when testing the “Create DB from a backup” functionality, I have yet to see any success. The new database does get created and begins to populate from the selected backup. I don’t have the logs handy now, but I did see information about the collections being restored, and things appeared to be what I expected to see.
However, the “restoring” state has remained in Everest. I can’t connect to the new MongoDB cluster using the credentials in the associated secret. I do see logs like this frequently (about once every 2 seconds):
{"t":{"$date":"2024-03-27T12:30:33.101+00:00"},"s":"I", "c":"ACCESS", "id":20250, "ctx":"conn2901","msg":"Authentication succeeded","attr":{"mechanism":"SCRAM-SHA-256","speculative":true,"principalName":"backup","authenticationDatabase":"admin","remote":"","extraInfo":{}}}
{"t":{"$date":"2024-03-27T12:30:33.109+00:00"},"s":"I", "c":"-", "id":20883, "ctx":"conn2900","msg":"Interrupted operation as its client disconnected","attr":{"opId":39486}}
Shortly after those sorts of logs, I also see this sort of log:
{"t":{"$date":"2024-03-27T12:30:34.765+00:00"},"s":"I", "c":"ACCESS", "id":20436, "ctx":"conn22","msg":"Checking authorization failed","attr":{"error":{"code":13,"codeName":"Unauthorized","errmsg":"not authorized on admin to execute command { find: \"system.version\", filter: { _id: \"shardIdentity\" }, limit: 1, singleBatch: true, lsid: { id
: UUID(\"29f3cc09-27fe-42a2-9367-9f77ecf2596b\") }, $clusterTime: { clusterTime: Timestamp(1711542630, 1), signature: { hash: BinData(0, 325DE9C866A1A459037C47C190D60A2878879A10), keyId: 7351006663643496454 } }, $db: \"admin\", $readPreference: { mode: \"primaryPreferred\" } }"}}}
I have seen this sort of behavior when attempting to create a new MongoDB cluster from both full and PITR backups. Am I doing something wrong?