Incomplete creation of MongoDB cluster on k3d or Minikube on MacOs M1

Hi, I need some advice

I’m testing installing Percona Everest locally on k3d.

Postgres and MySQL database created successfully

MongoDB in infinite initialization, however.

I printed out the mongodb Pod information

kubectl -n app describe pod mongodb-p7y-rs0-0

I think it’s something to do with backup-agent

Normal                  Created      4m1s                                      kubelet            Created container backup-agent
  Normal                  Started      4m1s                                      kubelet            Started container backup-agent
  Warning                 Unhealthy    3m52s                                     kubelet            Readiness probe failed: 2024-03-06T08:38:49.024Z  INFO  Running Kubernetes readiness check for component  {"component": "mongod"}
2024-03-06T08:38:49.043Z  ERROR        Member failed Kubernetes readiness check  {"error": "dial: dial tcp [::1]:27017: connect: connection refused", "errorVerbose": "dial tcp [::1]:27017: connect: connection refused\ndial\\n\t/go/src/\nmain.main\n\t/go/src/\nruntime.main\n\t/usr/local/go/src/runtime/proc.go:250\nruntime.goexit\n\t/usr/local/go/src/runtime/asm_amd64.s:1598"}

➜  0.8.0 kubectl -n app get pods
NAME                                               READY   STATUS             RESTARTS        AGE
percona-xtradb-cluster-operator-6764857cd8-k9hfn   1/1     Running            0               57m
percona-server-mongodb-operator-5c86d5fd65-8b9wf   1/1     Running            0               56m
percona-postgresql-operator-86d959b94c-w4fn4       1/1     Running            0               55m
mysql-eo4-pxc-0                                    1/1     Running            0               45m
postgresql-jyx-pgbouncer-5d66fbf76b-krj6j          2/2     Running            0               32m
postgresql-jyx-pgbouncer-5d66fbf76b-f42c4          2/2     Running            0               32m
postgresql-jyx-repo-host-0                         2/2     Running            0               32m
postgresql-jyx-backup-2dkq-s4mfr                   0/1     Completed          0               22m
postgresql-jyx-instance1-d8ns-0                    4/4     Running            0               32m
postgresql-jyx-instance1-hvk4-0                    4/4     Running            0               32m
mongodb-3t6-rs0-0                                  1/2     CrashLoopBackOff   7 (4m28s ago)   41m
mongodb-p7y-rs0-0                                  1/2     Running            1 (3m39s ago)   7m55s
mysql-eo4-haproxy-0                                1/2     Running            0               45m

Perhaps you can suggest what could be improved or fixed. Possible k3d needs to be configured somehow.

MySQL also occasionally goes into initialization and then returns to UP.

I see Warning in the ha-proxy pod.

kubectl -n app describe pod mysql-eo4-haproxy-0
Normal   Created    46m                   kubelet            Created container pxc-monit
  Normal   Started    46m                   kubelet            Started container pxc-monit
  Warning  Unhealthy  45m (x12 over 45m)    kubelet            Readiness probe failed: ERROR 2013 (HY000): Lost connection to MySQL server at 'reading initial communication packet', system error: 2
  Warning  Unhealthy  108s (x442 over 45m)  kubelet            Readiness probe failed: command "/usr/local/bin/" timed out

Tried the same thing with Minikube.

 Created container backup-agent
  Normal                  Started    5m48s                                     kubelet            Started container backup-agent
  Warning                 Unhealthy  5m46s                                     kubelet            Readiness probe failed: 2024-03-06T09:38:31.751Z  INFO  Running Kubernetes readiness check for component  {"component": "mongod"}
2024-03-06T09:38:31.832Z  ERROR      Member failed Kubernetes readiness check  {"error": "dial: dial tcp connect: connection refused", "errorVerbose": "dial tcp connect: connection refused\ndial\\n\t/go/src/\nmain.main\n\t/go/src/\nruntime.main\n\t/usr/local/go/src/runtime/proc.go:250\nruntime.goexit\n\t/usr/local/go/src/runtime/asm_amd64.s:1598"}

Minikube was started by a command from the repository

make m8s-macos
k8s: 					## Create a local minikube cluster
	minikube start --nodes=1 --cpus=4 --memory=4g --apiserver-names host.docker.internal

k8s-macos: k8s          ## Create a local minikube cluster with MacOS specific configuration
	minikube addons disable storage-provisioner
	kubectl delete storageclass standard
	kubectl apply -f ./dev/kubevirt-hostpath-provisioner.yaml