Support for MongoDB 7 in Operartor


Do we know when operator would be able to support version 7

Hello @Sumeet_Chaudhari , working hard on it :slight_smile:

The ETA - this quarter or might slightly slip to Q2.

Hello, do we know approximate when this would be released

Giving estimates can be hard especially for a big Mongo major version change and all of the operator features being developed along. I’m not part of the Percona team, but it seems to be progressing nicely as you can see here with a lot of remaining items being in QA or pending documentation.

Let’s hope for a couple months, and be happy and thankful if it happens before that!

Hey all! The code is merged already and tested. Just finalizing last release steps.
Will be out this week, you can already try it from the main branch.

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Wooot! Thanks to the whole Percona team :smiley:

Just to close the topic - we released the operator version 1.16,0 last week with MongoDB v 7.0 support.

Please see the release notes here: Percona Operator for MongoDB 1.16.0 (2024-05-24) - Percona Operator for MongoDB