We noticed strange peaks on CPU Usage. We do not see anything strange in server behavior, we also don’t see these peaks in Zabbix and sysstat daily output.
When I set interval to 1 sec, it shows iowait usage at level 20000-30000%. Can it be a bug somewhere in node_exporter or pmm itself?
it is expected because PMM very accurate, it reads statuses one per second.
usual monitoring tools (like zabbix and sysstat) show average value for a minute and it is hard to troubleshoot database load based on such average values.
it shows iowait usage at level 20000-30000%
as you know, pmm-client use prometheus/node_exporter for collecting cpu usage.
I inspected node_exporter code https://github.com/prometheus/node_exporter/blob/master/collector/stat_linux.go#L101-L121
looks like it just reads /proc/stat file and pass kernel counter values “as is” to prometheus, without any additional processing.
so it is cannot be node_exporter error.
can you share screenshot with cpu graph from prometheus?
We just upgraded to 1.1.2 and nothing changed. Is there a hardcoded check for username or user id? We accidentally deleted the default admin account just after installing and creating custom accounts with admin rights.
No, it is not needed to use SERVER_PASSWORD (but recommended, see [url]Percona Monitoring and Management for more details)
i just wondered about authentication settings.
in 1.1.2 without SERVER_PASSWORD option - any unauthorised user should have permissions to modify graphs, so can you try to press “sign out” button and modify graphs?
interesting… can you try to open “Incognito Window” in you browser and try to open [url]http://PMM-Server-IP/graph/[/url] url? it should work without auth under guest user.