Static ip address

after signing static ip address, on reboot, why is it losing the static info?


We’ll need a bit more information than that…is this issue on your PMM client machine(s) or on your PMM Server. How are you going about assigning a static IP? and when you say losing static info are you saying after reboot it reverts to dynamic IP? Any additional info would be very helpful in pointing you in the right direction!

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Step 1. we downloaded the PMM ova file and imported into vmware
Step 2. it works with DHCP address, we want a static address
Step 3. We follow the instructions at the bottom of this page,
Step 4. Verify that we can communicate to PMM on new static ip address
Step 5. Reboot; server now it back to DHCP.


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Are you using VMWare ESX, ESXi or Workstation? I have an ESXi Server here that I test with so I can give it a try on my side…

Just so I have the flow right, you’re using the latest PMM OVA (2.25.0) and assigning a static IP then you reboot the PMM VM or the VM Server along with the PMM VM?

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Just reboot the pmm vm

Yes using the latest version

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After you set your IP and restart the network BUT BEFORE you reboot run this: echo "network: {config: disabled}" > /etc/cloud/cloud.cfg.d/99-disable-network-config.cfg.

Your configuration is getting clobbered by cloud-init so this will tell it not to touch networking settings…I did this and it works…I’m also going to update the docs to show the same!

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