Changing IP Addresses of PMM and Database Servers Without Losing historical Data?


We are currently undergoing some major changes in our network infrastructure, which involves updating the IP addresses of both our PMM server and all our database servers.

Is there a way to change the IP addresses of the database servers in PMM without losing the previously collected statistics? Also, how can we configure the database nodes to log to the new IP address of the PMM server?

I hope someone here can help me out with this! :slight_smile:

Thank you, and have a great weekend!
Best regards,

on PMM Server side you need to backup data and setup new instance with that backup.
on PMM Clients side you need to update IP address of PMM Server in pmm-agent.yml on each node and restart pmm-agent.
pmm-agent.yml located in /usr/local/percona/pmm2/.

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Thank you - worked like a charm! :+1:t2::grinning:

(Didn’t even have to spin a new instance up with backup - IP change of the Machine and a restart was sufficient)

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