/srv mount not there in host

When I acess /srv folder i don’t see anything in the host
But inside docker container i am able to see metrics data in /srv
Then what directory of volume path will be mounted to EBS volume of ec2 instance?

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Hello @Kotha_Sambashiva_Rao,
If you launched PMM from our AMI, then the 2nd EBS volume is mounted as /dev/sdb which is mounted inside the docker container. /srv on the host will certainly be empty as the data is stored within a docker volume. You should read up on some Docker 101 for Volumes and container mapping for more info.

The data inside /srv is all binary style data, stored in ClickHouse databases, Victoria Metrics format, etc. There is no user-viewable data inside here. To see the data, you need to load the URL of your PMM instance in your browser. Then you can navigate through all the dashboards.

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Thnx for the reply @matthewb ,

In my case it was /dev/nvme0n1p1

now i found that ,
inside conatiner its like /dev/nvme0n1p1 /srv
on host its like this /dev/nvme0n1p1 /
So i should use /dev/nvme0n1p1 for mounting any ebs volume right ?

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Since you installed PMM as a docker container, all the data stored for PMM will be located at /srv inside the container. You can bind-mount any path on the host to /srv when you launch the container.

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