Let me point out to a slight “mess” in the repositories at least for EL9:
- On page MySQL software repositories you don’t mention The Percona Distribution for MySQL repositories at all.
- The percona-release script, on the other hand, recommends to enable Percona Distribution repositories instead of individual product repositories.
- In some cases, however, you have to enable individual repositories like proxysql or pt or pxb-84-lts, but then you end up in a situation where two repositories contain the same or overlapping (duplicate) packages:
** pdps-84-lts contains percona-xtrabackup-84-8.4.0-1.1 related packages, but not percona-xtrabackup-84-8.4.0-2.1 packages, which are in the pxb-84-lts repository
** pdps-84-lts contains perl-DBD-MySQL-4.050-[45] related packages, but not perl-DBD-MySQL-5.011-1 and percona-toolkit-* packages, which are in the pt repository
** pdps-84-lts does not contain percona-mysql-shell-8.4.0-1 related packages, which are in the ps-84-lts repository
** pdps-84-lts contains only the latest three versions of proxysql2-2.[67], but not the previous, which are in the proxysql repository along with the three newest ones
** on the other hand pdps-84-lts contains jemalloc- percona-orchestrator-* qpress-* related packages, which are not in the ps-84-lts repository
The above confuses users (system administrators) about the correct selection and setting of enabled repositories without additional excludes. Perhaps even more so when using life cycle systems like The Foreman.
Personally, I prefer simple and straightforward individual product repositories that you can enable as needed. I honestly don’t know your logic behind publishing individual packages in given repositories, but please try to think about the current state of repositories, which is somewhere in between.
With respect
Karel Ziegler