I have restored a FULL backup and 5 INCR backups
I am now trying to find out what is the next binlog file I need to apply to roll forward and what possition to start the roll forward from …
It appears to me the two files in datadir named xtraback are not updateid with the INCR apply info?
IS that correct ?
I can I trust the info in this two files after I have applied INCR backups?
-rw-r----- 1 mysql mysql 91 May 30 19:17 xtrabackup_slave_info
-rw-r----- 1 mysql mysql 546 May 30 19:17 xtrabackup_info
Is this info valid to use for my next step ie apply more binlogs via mysqlbinlog tool…
Where do I get the POS and LOG_FILE information to use for my mysqlbinlog tool ?
more xtrabackup_slave_info
CHANGE MASTER TO MASTER_LOG_FILE=‘db-001-bin.001166’, MASTER_LOG_POS=376851998
show slave status \G
Master_Log_File: db-001-finance-bf1-bin.001166
Read_Master_Log_Pos: 376851998
List the same info as found in the xtrabackup_info files
mysqlbinlog --start-position=376851998 db-001-bf1-bin.001166 | mysql -u xxxxx -pxxxxx
ERROR 1062 (23000) at line 43082: Duplicate entry ‘xxxxxxxxxxxxxl’ for key ‘PRIMARY’