I have installed PMM Server and register client succesfully. Through the percona web UI and from command line, looks like all is running well except Slowlog Agent state is UNKNOWN.
PMM Server : Docker , version 2.36
PMM Client : Self Host Ubuntu 18.04
Database : MariaDB 10.1.48
Appreciate any suggest for troubleshoot it.
Please provide the exact commands you used to configure the command-line client. Also, have you enabled the slow query log in MariaDB?
Hi @matthewb ,
Thanks for response.
I have follow this guidance
Slow Log ON
Below is my exact command to connect QAN Agent
pmm-admin add mysql --query-source=slowlog --size-slow-logs=1GiB --username=user --password=password PPID
Is there any step that I missed ?
That looks correct. What about long_query_time
MySQL parameter?
Can you tail -f /var/log/mysql/mariadb-slow.log
and see new queries being added?
After restart mysql service, now here is output from tail command
Slowlog Agent status still UNKNOWN
Are you seeing queries in PMM now? Have you looked at permissions between the user running pmm-agent vs the slow query log?
I didn’t see queries in PMM. Not even my registered node appear in QAN menu yet.
What command to see permissions between the user running pmm-agent vs the slow query log?
and ls
are typically used to look at permissions of running processes and files.