Problem with the grafana migrator to postgreSQL

I had tried to use this application.
Source is Grafana v 11.5 with sqlite.
I had started a new Grafana with PostgreSQL then stop it.

After that I run the migrator application.

FATAL[2025-02-03T02:23:09+08:00] ❌ pq: invalid input syntax for type timestamp: "H9f5T-04z" INSERT INTO "dashboard" VALUES(2,1,'mongodb','MongoDB','{"annotations":{"list":[]},"description":"Note for a official Grafana MongoDB plugin, please view:\n\n\nThis is a MongoDB Prometheus Exporter Dashboard. \nWorks well with\n\nIf you have the node_exporter running on the mongo instance, you will also get some useful alert panels related to disk io and cpu.","editable":true,"gnetId":2583,"graphTooltip":1,"hideControls":false,"id":null,"links":[],"refresh":"5s","rows":[{"collapse":false,"height":217,"panels":[{

Please refer to the attached file for the details of the log/output.
migrate-problem-log1.txt (31.3 KB)