Postgres QAN agent in waiting status


The goal was to deploy PMM 2.x for monitoring AWS Aurora MySQL and Postgres instances. I have deployed PMM server on EKS using helm chart with below commands.

helm repo add percona
helm repo update
helm install pmm --set secret.create=true --namespace=pmm percona/pmm

Also ensured that the service account which runs the pod has policies for RDS discovery and cloudwatch log access as given at Amazon RDS - Percona Monitoring and Management

NOTE: The enhanced monitoring and performance insights have both been enabled on all Aurora MySQL and Postgres instances.

I have tried to add MySQL first using settings > Inventory > Add service > Add RDS instance which worked. I have used user and password auth for the role which had rds super user access.

I tried same user on Postgres and wasn’t able to see the QAN logs. The agent in the Service for QAN says waiting forever.

I have also tried checking logs of pmm agent using Help > PMM Logs , which creates a zip with all logs. The agent logs had following statements for the QAN postgres agent for service i have added.

Sending status: STARTING.                                                              
sql: no rows in result set                                     
Sending status: WAITING.   

So i connected to respective postgres db using pgsql and checked that i wasn’t able to find view named pg_stat_statements.

NOTE: I do have the idea that i need to enable pg_stat_statements extensions as mentioned at PostgreSQL - Percona Monitoring and Management. I remember i read in some doc that once performance insights is enabled, Aurora manages it. So not sure if i should mess things up. But i do see that pg_stat_statements is already loaded up in shared_preload_libraries and everything else is engine default.

Steps to Reproduce:

Deploy using helm chart with default values file.


PMM version - 2.38.0
Aurora PostgresSQL - 11.16


Sending status: STARTING.                                                              
sql: no rows in result set                                     
Sending status: WAITING.   

Expected Result:

Expected to see queries under QAN tab.

Actual Result:

The postgres QAN agent is in waiting state.

Apologies, i have raised this question a little too early. I think my hunch was right.

The QAN agent was in waiting state because as PMM logs say , there were no pg_stat_statements view in my RDS and thereby no records to export.

Running create extension as per doc worked. Tested this on test RDS instance.

Doc link - PostgreSQL - Percona Monitoring and Management

CREATE EXTENSION pg_stat_statements SCHEMA public;

Once i created this, the agent went into Running state and i could see the queries. I have raised a AWS support ticket to check if doing this manually affects performnace insights in any way.