Pmm3.00 /srv is not writable for pmm user


[Detailed description of the issue or question]
IF pmm3 execution user and pmm2 execution user are different ?
The following error occurs when running the pmm3 Docker container:

FATAL: /srv is not writable for pmm user.
Please make sure that /srv is owned by uid 1000 and gid 1000 and try again.
You can change ownership by running: sudo chown -R 1000:1000 /srv

Therefore I set it like this:

  1. Create pmm user with gid, uid 1000
  2. Change permissions of /srv to Pmm

However, the same log continues to occur and the container does not start.

Steps to Reproduce:

[Step-by-step instructions on how to reproduce the issue, including any specific settings or configurations]
This script has been converted to run on rocky8. I ran the script right after that :


[Insert the version number of the software]
PMM 3.0.0 Version


[If applicable, include any relevant log files or error messages]
This is a My Pmm3 Docker Container Logs :

FATAL: /srv is not writable for pmm user.
Please make sure that /srv is owned by uid 1000 and gid 1000 and try again.
You can change ownership by running: sudo chown -R 1000:1000 /srv

Additional Information:

[Include any additional information that could be helpful to diagnose the issue, such as browser or device information]
So I installed pmm2 container.
The pmm2 container operates completely normally.
So, Are the users running pmm2 and pmm3 different?
I want to hope solves the problem.

Hi, yes, we made PMM 3 rootless for better security.
Here is our migration guide Migrate PMM 2 to PMM 3 - Percona Monitoring and Management
You said that the script was converted to run on rocky8, what exactly was done? Can you share converted script?
By default our script should be able to migrate to PMM 3 if PMM 2 was installed using easy install script.

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hello, Thanks for your reply.
I read the migration guide you gave me.
I was able to successfully install pmm3 and check the dashboard by following the guide’s manual.

I think “Transfer ownership of /srv directory” part worked to me before migration.

Even when I installed pmm3 directly without migrating from pmm2 to pmm3, the following error occurred.:
FATAL: /srv is not writable for pmm user.
Please make sure that /srv is owned by uid 1000 and gid 1000 and try again.
You can change ownership by running: sudo chown -R 1000:1000 /srv

I’m just saying this out of curiosity, but I think the official installation documentation forgot to mention pre-setting the container volume to pmm ownership.
Of course, I could have missed that part when I was installing as a beginner.

Thanks to your quick response, I was able to solve a problem that had been bothering me for three weeks.
Thank you so much and I hope you have a happy day.

PS. The script that was modified to run on rocky8 is just a file that was changed through ChatGPT.

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Did it happen when you used easy install script?
We’ve faced similar error when user mounted host directory as /srv directory, but in our script we use docker volume which wasn’t supposed to lead to that problem. We will investigate what could lead to that behaviour and if you could provide script generated by ChatGPT I would appreciate that as it could be a key in finding the reason.

Thanks for feedback