Percona 3 ppm-server error

I am getting this error whenever mounting volume in pmm3 pmm-server
FATAL: /srv is not writable for pmm user.
Please make sure that /srv is owned by uid 1000 and gid 1000 and try again.
You can change ownership by running: sudo chown -R 1000:1000 /srv
FATAL: /srv is not writable for pmm user.

Hey @Pramod_Kumar_Gupta!

Need a bit more details to help.
How are you installing it? What commands are you executing exactly?

If it is in docker, you just follow our docs and it should work.
If you are deploying in k8s, please make sure you have the following in your yaml spec under template:

        runAsUser: 1000
        runAsGroup: 1000
        fsGroup: 1000

I am using docker compose

Can you show it to me?

Also look here: Install PMM 3 using Docker-compose and connect MySQL, Postgres, MongoDB

Hi, are you migrating from PMM 2 to PMM 3 or installing from scratch? If you are migrating, please follow Migrate PMM 2 to PMM 3 - Percona Monitoring and Management

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